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BeauTeas - August 02 2021

What is our Clearly Calendula Morning tea and how does it work?

Clearly Calendula Morning tastes very similar to Earl Grey tea, if you’ve had that before. We start off with a blend of two black teas; Assam and Qu Hao. Then Bergamot oil is added for flavor. This is the core of an Earl Grey tea. Then for our special tea, we add vanilla, spearmint, peppermint, lavender, and calendula pedals.   

All of our ingredients are 100% Organic and certified by the USDA!

It tastes a lot like Earl Grey, with a dash of mint and hint of vanilla. It’s delicious, flavorful without being too strong, and is a great way to start your day.

Let’s talk about all the ways the tea is good for you!


This tea is tasty and rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and lots of things that help prevent acne AND heal and improve your skin! It’s energizing and can help you lose weight and get in better shape.

It’s also good for women especially helping reduce cramps, period pain, and hormonal acne.

Organic Black Tea

First, the black tea blend has natural caffeine. A bit less than coffee, about 50mg per cup. Black tea also contains the amino acid L-theanine (about 24mg), which combines with caffeine to give a smoother, longer lasting energy boost than the caffeine from coffee or energy drinks. So it will help you feel more awake, make your brain work faster, and help reduce your appetite. All with zero calories! Not a bad way to start the day!

L-theanine also helps reduce stress and anxiety, and helps boost memory and improves your attention span.

Polyphenols in the tea suppress the digestion and absorption of fats and complex sugars by your body, which can help you lose weight healthily.

Drinking black tea can also help prevent or even reverse some chronic health problems such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke risk, diabetes, and even cancer (especially breast cancer!).

Organic Lavender

Lavender is rich in antioxidants and anti-bacterial compounds. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals are a waste product from cells and build up to create “oxidative stress” in your body. This can cause heart disease, cancer, arthritis, strokes, emphysema, and many other health issues. There’s a ton of research that shows how important antioxidants are, not just to your long term health, but also to everyday concerns. Antioxidents reduce signs of aging in your skin, prevent sun damage, and help your skin heal and glow! We’ll talk about antioxidants a lot, as most of our ingredients are very rich in antioxidants.

The anti-bacterial compounds in lavender can help fight the bacteria that cause acne on your skin! These compounds also improve your gut health, and help with issues such as nausea, gas, swelling and bloating.

Lavender is rich in polysaccharides which are powerful anti-inflammatories. These not only reduce body aches and pains, but can help to reduce swelling and redness of your skin.

Lavender is also great at reducing stress and anxiety.

Organic Spearmint

Spearmint has an anti-androgenic effect on women, which reduces acne caused by hormones. It can also reduce facial hair production in women.

It’s very high in antioxidants which we've talked about before, helps lower your blood sugar (helping prevent diabetes) and reduces stress.

Organic Peppermint

Peppermint aids in digestion and reduces bloating. It has menthol in it, which reduces oil production in the skin, which in turn helps prevent acne. It’s also rich in vitamins D and E, which both increase cell turnover, helping us shed the outer layer of skin, leaving us with that fresh faced, coveted glow!

Organic Vanilla

Another antioxidant rich ingredient! Vanilla is also a great anti-inflammatory, calming and soothing your skin. It lowers cholesterol and has mood boosting effects. Plus we love how it tastes!

Organic Calendula Petals

The Calendula Flower is the key ingredient in our Clearly Calendula line of teas. You can read all about it here: https://www.beauteas.com/blogs/learn/the-magical-calendula-flower Calendula has many healing properties, and several of them help clear up your skin and bring out your inner beauty.

It has antiseptic properties, which help treat wounds, including minor skin wounds like acne. It stimulates collagen production, which helps your lips and cheeks look more plump and full. Calendula helps moisturize dry skin, and is great at reducing oily skin, it’s another great anti-inflammatory. The calendula flower boosts the creation of some proteins in your body giving you stronger and healthier hair, nails, and skin!

Calendula also helps to relieve menstrual cramps and pain, and generally lessen the discomforts of the menstrual cycle.

It really is a powerful flower, which fits perfectly with our mission to help you Build Your Beauty From Within!

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That is it!  Six Organic Plants and Flowers. No other ingredients or chemicals. Clean, All Natural, Plant Based, Organic, Beauty!  We know you'll love it, so we offer a 30 day money back guarantee!

Clearly Calendula Morning
Clearly Calendula Morning
Clearly Calendula Morning
Clearly Calendula Morning
Clearly Calendula Morning
Clearly Calendula Morning
Clearly Calendula Morning

Clearly Calendula Morning


Would you like to have glowing flawless skin, without the use of harsh chemicals?   Our Organic tea:

  • Fights Acne Causing Bacteria
  • Heals Acne and Skin Damage
  • Increases Collagen Production
  • Reduces Hormone Swings
  • Smooth, Long Lasting Energy
  • Super Rich in Antioxidants 

This deliciously enhanced Earl Grey tea is the answer. We organically source herbs and flowers to create a unique infusion beneficial to soothing skin. Calendula flower, Spearmint, Peppermint, Lavender, and Vanilla are added to the black tea blend to give you happier smoother skin. 

It tastes like a smooth Earl Grey with a hint of mint a little vanilla on your tongue.  

Calendula is great for your skin in many ways. It helps fight bacteria, minimize skin redness, heals skin injuries (like pimples), reduces acne, and stimulates collagen production for fuller, smoother facial features.  Spearmint helps control hormone-based acne, while peppermint slows oil production in the skin.

Read all about the ingredients and how they help your skin, heart, body, and mind! 

Drink a cup, or two, in the morning. This will energize you while rehydrating and repairing your skin. 


Ingredients:  Organic Assam Black Tea and Organic Qu Hao Black Tea, Organic lavender, Organic spearmint, Organic flavoring (vanilla), Organic peppermint and Organic calendula petals.

Don't Take Our Word For It. There is SCIENCE!
